Thursday, 25 February 2016

What are the requirements to become SAS programmer? A road map to become SAS programmer : Epoch Research Institute India Pvt. Ltd. (

What are the requirements to become SAS programmer? A road map to become SAS programmer : EpochResearch Institute India Pvt Ltd. (SASAuthorised Training : Ahmedabad | Bangalore)


Are you interested in finding out what are the requirements in order to become a SAS programmer? Do you know what it takes to become a SAS programmer? So I’ll let you know how to emerge as a SAS programmer. Basically SAS programmers work with the products that are produced by SAS institute. There are various industries where SAS is widely used on large scale. It is used widely in organizations dealing with performance management, customer intelligence, fraud intelligence, risk management etc. These industries are in huge requirement of SAS programmers. Now let’s see what the common requirements to become SAS programmer. Here the bachelor degree is standard but master’s degree is must. The candidate should be from statistics, computer science or any other related field. He should be experienced. Unix, Linux are some of the preferred computer skills. The technical skills required are web applications tools, windows. He should possess problem solving skills as well as advanced mathematical skills. Now let’s go step by step

•      Attain the college degree
The candidates that have completed a statistic’s or computer science bachelor’s degree are preferred the most by the companies. The reason why they prefer statistician candidates as it includes statistical analysis, regression and many more topics. Next the reason behind preferring the candidate with computer science degree is that it includes foundation of programming language, various database applications, mathematical foundations of computing and many more.

•     Get your hands on SAS certification
Students/candidates can start preparing for SAS certification. The SAS institute provides with different training modes as well training courses. Infact I would say that even we provide SAS training and you can opt for SAS training with us as we are the largest SAS authorized training providers in India. Let’s say for e.g. the Base SAS certification includes SAS programming 1, Essentials and SAS programming 2 and data manipulation techniques.

•     Try to opt for the advanced degree or master’s degree
The reason why I am recommending you to opt for the advanced degree is that in many of the cases, companies prefer to appoint SAS programmers who possess master’s degree. This can prove fruitful as wide opportunities will surely open up for you. For e.g. if the student has acquired master’s degree in statistics, he can avail the profile of SAS statistical programmer or analysts. If the student belongs to statistical background, it would prove helpful as it enables the individual to work with research as well as develop codes that manipulate data.

•      Experience in SAS programming
As we know that SAS programmers are required in the industries on large scale. Getting a job means have passed through the adequate training as well as certification has been completed. So in order to get acclimated within the field, join the SAS group.
So this were some of the points that should be kept in mind if you preparing for a journey to become a SAS programmer. Hope so it might help you. You can share your thoughts and views if you have any.

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