Friday, 27 May 2016

The life of the SAS Statistical programmer in the Pharmaceutical industry : Epoch Research Institute India Pvt. Ltd. (

The life of the SAS Statistical programmer in the Pharmaceutical industry : EpochResearch Institute India Pvt Ltd. (SASAuthorised Training : Ahmedabad | Bangalore)


In this post I would share the views on how is the life of the SAS statistical programmer in the pharmaceutical industry. So as we all know that there is range of jobs available in the pharmaceutical industry that allows the opportunity to travel as well as work.

Being a statistical programmer, the mainstream of your tasks that are performed in the pharmaceutical industry is using SAS. People possessing SAS skills gets widen opportunities. There are many universities that provide and educate with SAS courses. But still, if you want to become confident and convinced, I would suggest you for job training. With an ease, you can transfer your SAS programming skills while working in pharmaceutical companies and switching to the next if provided with and opportunity. Some of the SAS programmers accidentally fall in the pharmaceutical industry. But later on they acquire the specialist SAS skills finally leading them to the excellent progress in career.

Many of the pharmaceutical companies as well as contract research organizations (CRO’s) are well developed employee oriented and they offer their employees the training opportunities. They really encourage and egg on their employees to attend the conferences (programming conferences) around as per the location. The employee can be motivated by learning the new concepts in medical areas. The daily tasks include SAS programming, derived datasets, producing summary tables, figures and listings.

In derived datasets, variables are to be formatted as well as labelled. It should be derived. Variables could be as simple as calculating the mass index of the patient starting from the birth date till the screening test. The programmer feels each variable to be a new challenge and he regularly searches new methods to derive the methods in short efficient programming. Next going to summary tables, listing, figures, and shell is provided in the analysis plan to figure out the information to be displayed. It becomes more important to check whether the drug is having a different impact on patient’s body i.e. blood pressure, heart rate. Raw data of variables that are summarized in tables and details are contained in Listings.

Lastly, developing a drug is costly business. The drug development process usually takes around 10-15 years to develop. It is strictly important that the studies reported should be accurate and precisely checked. Due to this it becomes prominent to undertake a quality control checking strictly under the government regulatory guidance.

So this is how the life of a SAS statistical programmer in the Pharmaceutical industry filled with different phases. Are you one of them? So kindly share your views and experienc.

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