Monday, 6 June 2016

My advice on how to succeed an interview by answering the specific interview questions to get that new SAS programming job : Epoch Research Institute India Pvt. Ltd. (

My advice on how to succeed an interview by answering the specific interview questions to get that new SAS programming job : EpochResearch Institute India Pvt Ltd. (SASAuthorised Training : Ahmedabad | Bangalore)


We all are absolutely aware about the fact that the first impression is the last impression. This thought also works when it comes to attend the interviews and succeeding. We just have one opportunity to prove ourselves to make a good impression and this is undoubtedly true. I would say that the programmer must be well prepared and should advance himself with all the aspects of the interview before facing it. The resume should be well mannered and prepared in such means that it would highlight all the important SAS skills that can draw the attention of hiring manager. Now let’s go through some of the major points that can help you to prepare for the interviews mentally

As we all know that during the interview hours you have to face both the sectional questions “Technical and as well Non-technical”. When you are asked any question, answer it with your best ability and prove that you have in-depth idea regarding the same. But at the same moment, one of the foremost point that I need to clarify is that simply say no to the question if you aren’t aware or don’t know the answer. Just don’t try to bluff with meaningless answers. It can result into damage and there are chances that you might not succeed in interview. Still the best way is to take a sound breathe, take your time and think for a while before answering a question. 

Interviewers sometimes derive the questions from your resume itself. So make a best possible practice to review your resume carefully before it is handed over to interviewer. There are chances that you might also be asked to prove the task and records that you have included in the resume. So simply don’t get panic. Instead try to sort the task in the best possible manner.

If I say about SAS, SAS is a very rich programming environment and it’s not so easy to know everything in detail at initial stage. So I would recommend you to thoroughly prepare the basics and go for the questions that are frequently asked. Let me make it simpler for you by introducing the basics that may prove beneficial for you. There are possibilities that you might face the questions included in these topics that are mentioned below:
  •       The fundamentals of data steps. It may include the merging, arrays, data vector
  •       The basics of PROC. It includes SORT, MEAN, FREQ etc
  •       Regarding macros. It includes the type of parameters, scope and syntax
  •      Commenting styles
There is still lot more but this are the basics. Take a note that this questions will be asked within the perspective of a new job. If the job requirement is related to database, then the candidate must possess sound knowledge of SQL. Similarly if it is with respect to application developer, then the candidate must possess the knowledge of SAS Macro

Whenever your interview is finally concluded, I would suggest you to present a thank you note for an interviewer including a brief statement thanking interviewer for their time and how you are prove to be suitable for the position.

That’s all a short and sweet advice if you are really aiming to succeed your interview at your best. Is it helpful? Share your views if you have any.

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