Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Some inspirational and motivational factors that can inspire Clinical SAS programmers : Epoch Research Institute India Pvt. Ltd. (

Some inspirational and motivational factors that can inspire Clinical SAS programmers : EpochResearch Institute India Pvt Ltd. (SASAuthorised Training : Ahmedabad | Bangalore | Chennai)

 As we all know that almost every job requires highly motivated programmers along with the managers to motivate them. But the question rises – what about Clinical SAS programmers? Clinical SAS programmers are neither software developers nor statisticians. But they play a crucial role in the industry in filling a distinctive void.

  We will define the three factors that can influence the programmer’s motivation. These covers three categories i.e. the working environment for the programmers, recognition and the team with which you are involved. In addition, Clinical SAS programmers are not the emblematic software developers whereas software developers have the computer science degree or other relative background or would surely have a least interest in programming world. This is not the case with the Clinical SAS programming. Clinical SAS programmers are derived from various backgrounds and in general they accidentally fall into the programming concepts. As a result we cannot group them in a single homogeneous group. As an alternative we have to classify them into different categories based upon their strength and weakness: The grouping can be likewise
  1.  The scientist 
  1.  The statiscian
  1. Developer 
  1. Programmer
The projects should be assigned based upon their aspects and this will ultimately motivate them in programming world. Now let’s focus on the factors that enable and inspire the Clinical SAS programmers in the programming world

Working environment:
Being Clinical SAS programmer itself is a complex mental activity and under such circumstances, the managers really need to create an environment that allows the programmers to groom and increase the thinking power. A programmer has to manage number of files and these files may contain complexities that need to be managed in order to generate an accurate output in a timely manner. If there is any sort of distraction, then it can cause major effect on the concentration and programmer’s ability to get the work done and at last losing the temperament and leading to frustration resulting into loss of motivation. The prevention measures should be taken in order to keep the programmer from being distracted and loosing focus on their work. Following factors can prove to be useful
  •  Hardware that easily retrieves the results quickly for the user
  • The servers and the networks should be reliable. Suppose you are in the midst of   developing a complex piece of code and all of sudden the programmer finds that the server is crashed. This will easily make the programmer frustrated.
  •   Even the workplace matters alot. It should be suitable, privacy should be maintained along with silence
The remaining two factors i.e. recognition and team work will be discussed in next part. Till time keep yourself updated with us.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing such an awesome blog...Nice tips! Very well written information about Clinical SAS Programmer.
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