Thursday, 17 March 2016

The working environment for the SAS programmer : Epoch Research Institute India Pvt. Ltd. (

The working environment for the SAS programmer : EpochResearch Institute India Pvt Ltd. (SASAuthorised Training : Ahmedabad | Bangalore)


We have already discussed last week regarding what are the requirements to become SAS programmer? Now have you have ever imagined that this is not enough for the programmers as the working environment should also be taken into consideration. So today we will cover some of the topics that will conclude regarding the working environment for the SAS programmers and how it should be.

As we all know that that statistical programmer generally works and have allocation in statistics department or CRO. If you are not aware then CRO means contract research organization. The focal role of the statistical programmers is to utilize all their supreme SAS skills so that they allow the clinical trials statisticians to execute their statistical analysis tasks more proficiently and in well organized manner. Below I have displayed the simple work process flow of statistical programmer


Now let’s come to the other different units of CRO and groups as well as individuals that you will be working with. They are Site management, data management, project management, quality assurance, medical writing and information technology. Now let’s discuss them:

Site management - The main purpose behind site management is usually to recruit doctors at clinics and train the staffs. The site management can be your responsibilities by helping to get the data go through clean and voluntarily usable form.

Data management - Usually the statistical programmer closely works with data management team. The core function of the data management team is to design case report form, data entry, data cleaning, data quality control, data coding, database design and setup and providing the clinical trial data for analysis. Finally the data management team will provide the statistical programmer with the data by way of relational data management system     and then it can be imported to SAS. It proves to be an extra advantageous if the statistical programmer is provided with well cleaned and coded clinical database that would ultimately save the programmer’s time.

Project management - The project manager provides with an oversight of the clinical trials. A project manager usually works with laboratories, pharmaceutical companies and CROs. The main exchange between the project manager and statistical programmer is the project manager has to work with programmer over the course of the clinical trials

Quality assurance - The main goal of the quality assurance team is to meet the standards as well as maintain the regulatory standards of the organization. Internal audits are also performed in order to check the regulatory standards at the organization. At last, the quality assurance team maintains the SOPs i.e. standard operating procedures

Medical writing - The purpose and tasks of the medical writers is to create documents for the organization. They usually help in writing the clinical study reports for FDA. They also write for NDA submission. On various occasions the medical writing group will request for additional data as they accumulate their reporting.

Information technology – The role for IT is generally to maintain the system infrastructure, maintenance and general computer help desk support. They will be also performing with some level of software development. You have to work with IT section for SAS configuration management and installation and desktop publishing. You have to work with an external IT staff in regard to information exchange technologies like FTP.

So these are the various facets of the working environment for the SAS programmer. Do yo know more regarding the same? You can share your views.

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