Thursday, 17 March 2016

What are the job responsibilities and tasks of Clinical SAS Programmer? : Epoch Research Institute India Pvt. Ltd. (

What are the job responsibilities and tasks of Clinical SAS Programmer? : EpochResearch Institute India Pvt Ltd. (SASAuthorised Training : Ahmedabad | Bangalore)

I hope so you might have enjoyed my last post and viewed the video “How SAS is applied in Clinical trials?” Today I want to share my views on what are the job tasks and duties of a Clinical SAS programmer. Being a Clinical SAS programmer is not a effortless and straightforward task. There are various job responsibilities and duties of a Clinical SAS programmer. Now here we will discuss what the overall purpose of the job role is:

•    He has to create the SAS datasets of clinical data from Biometric databases
•    He has to create the status and effective datasets.
•    Has to create specific macros and formats
•    He has to prepare the data to send it to clients
•    He has to load the data of client’s from other platform
•    He has to create listings, summary tables as well as graphs keeping in view the statistical analysis plan

Now let’s discuss the responsibilities of Clinical SAS programmer. It is mentioned below:
•    He has to create the tables, review tables and listing mocks
•    He has to make certain that the internal consistency is maintained among tables and listings
•    He has to be certain whether all the CRF fields are displayed on the listings or not
•    He has to review the clinical data for invalid data points and outliers
•    He has to get in touch with Clinical data management in order to resolve the issues related to data
•    He should be capable to use the frequencies, Proc transpose as well as macros and in accordance with it must be able to modify the existing macros and write macros
•    He must follow all the relevant SOP’s and guidelines taking into consideration programming and the change control management of all the files that are created by Biometric programming group
•    The code has to be written using Base SAS program, SAS procedures or standardized macros
•    The data check has to be performed as per the requirement in order to understand the structure and content of the data
•    He has to write and compare the QC programs in order to verify the output that is generated for data display
•    Coordination is required for qc project teams on large projects. This includes training and entrustment of QC work
•    He has to send the tables and listings to clinical writers and clients
•    He has to attend both the client as well as team meetings as per the requirement
•    He has to assist in setting up departmental processes as well as should also interact with other departments or other departmental administrative tasks

So these are the job responsibilities and duties of a Clinical SAS programmer. Do you know much more regarding the same? Kindly provide with your views.

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