Saturday, 26 March 2016

Top questions and answers for your interview preparation for Clinical SAS : Epoch Research Institute India Pvt. Ltd. (

Top questions and answers for your interview preparation for Clinical SAS : 

I am discussing few important questions and answers based on Clinical SAS that can prove fruitful for you. These are simple and basic questions that can definitely help you out for your SAS Training sessions as well as interview preparations when you will appear for interview. I have a list of 52 questions, but I’ll keep posting daily 6-7 questions as per your understanding. Following are the questions that can also be really helpful for the fresher’s facing the problem to crack an interview.
Clinical SAS
 1. Describe the phases of clinical trials?
Ans:- These are the following four phases of the clinical trials:
Phase 1: Test a new drug or treatment to a small group of people (20-80) to evaluate its safety.

Phase 2: The experimental drug or treatment is given to a large group of people (100-300) to see that the drug is effective or not for that treatment.

Phase 3: The experimental drug or treatment is given to a large group of people (1000-3000) to see its effectiveness, monitor side effects and compare it to commonly used treatments.

Phase 4: The 4 phase study includes the post marketing studies including the drug's risk, benefits etc.

2. Describe the validation procedure? How would you perform the validation for TLG as well as analysis data set?
Ans:- Validation procedure is used to check the output of the SAS program, generated by the source programmer. In this process validator writes the program and generate the output. If this output is same as the output generated by the SAS programmer's output then the program is considered to be valid. We can perform this validation for TLG by checking the output manually and for analysis data set it can be done using PROC COMPARE.

3. How would you perform the validation for the listing, which has 400 pages? Ans:- It is not possible to perform the validation for the listing having 400 pages manually. To do this, we convert the listing in data sets by using PROC RTF and then after that we can compare it by using PROC COMPARE.

4. Can you use PROC COMPARE to validate listings? Why?
Ans:- Yes, we can use PROC COMPARE to validate the listing because if there are many entries (pages) in the listings then it is not possible to check them manually. So in this condition we use PROC COMPARE to validate the listings.

5. How would you generate tables, listings and graphs?
Ans: - We can generate the listings by using the PROC REPORT. Similarly we can create the tables by using PROC FREQ, PROC MEANS, and PROC TRANSPOSE and PROC REPORT. We would generate graph, using proc Gplot etc.

6. How many tables can you create in a day?
Ans :- Actually it depends on the complexity of the tables if there are same type of tables then, we can create 4-5 tables in a day.

I hope so it would help you. But you’ll have to wait for another questions and answers for the same. Don’t miss them, visit our blog on daily basis for the next part for Clinical SAS.

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