Tuesday, 22 March 2016

What is SAS Macro? A short guide for beginners : Epoch Research Institute India Pvt. Ltd. (www.epoch.co.in)

What is SAS Macro? A short guide for beginners : EpochResearch Institute India Pvt Ltd. (SASAuthorised Training : Ahmedabad | Bangalore)

SAS programmers have used Macro in SAS to preserve their time since .Macro allow programmers to create a piece of program code once and use it over and over again (in the same system or in different programs). Macro that is produced can also be saved in an automatic contact library. These macros can be distributed between applications and also between programmers. Macro programs can do recurring projects such as developing or examining a sequence of data sets.

Along with this, one canachieve recurring projects easily.
A macro program can be recycled many times.
Factors approved by the macro system change the results without having to change the program code.

The macro program code includes two basic things: Macros and Macro variables. The titles of SAS Macro are prefixed with a percentile indication (%) and the titles of macro variables are prefixed with an ampersand indication (&). A Macro variable has only one value and does not belong to data sets. This value could be a different name, a numeral, or any published text that the programmers want to alternate in programs. A macro variable contains complicated reasoning such as finish DATA phase and PROC actions and macro claims such as %DO, %THEN and %IF-%THEN/% ELSE.

There are two scopes of Macro variables- Global or Local. A macro variable is described as local if it is determined within a macro. It is described as Global if it is determined outside a macro. A local macro variable can be used only within the system whereas the global Macro variable can be accessed throughout the system.

In short macros designed in SAS program are very versatile for recurring use and can perform with different needs of review demonstration. Post processor macros usually deal with different style, show and other demonstration functions associated with the review.

Input collection used to keep a SAS system after it is posted and before it is prepared by the phrase scanning device. Word scanner tests the published text it requires from the feedback collection and smashes the published text (Tokens are the essential device in the SAS language), where it decides the location of the token: DATA phase compiler, prose phase compiler, macro processor, etc.

The compiler checks the format of tokens obtained from the phrase scanning device. After it finishes verifying the format, the compiler converts the wedding party into a type of performance. If the data set has some Macro activates, then these activities will be sent to the Macro handling device. Macro processor processes macro terminology sources and claims used in an information phase, where macro activates like & and %, which alerts the phrase scanning device to exchange what follows to the macro icon desk.

Benefits of Macro programming: The SAS programming efficiency can be enhanced when the programmer knows how and when to use the SAS macro service.

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